Tag Archive | zebra chair

Quick temperary fix to out of style fabric on wing back chair!

Now this is not meant to be the permanent solution, but it can work for any occasion just to upgrade the look in your home, for a short period of time while needed.

Supplies needed:



*long and short sewing ball pins

*and your hands 😉

Now, my fabric was purchased from fabricland in Toronto, but feel free to venture anywhere you want to find your unique fabric print. I went with a Leopard mixed with zebra fabric as well as a solid hot pink that was going to add that extra tad of elegance within my livingroom. This way I could change up the look often.

My fabric was 54″ across and 78.7″ length. I chose this measurement because i needed enough to cover the front of my chair and I also need to have enough fabric left over to wrap around to the sides and bottom of the chair. About 10″ I left around the sides, you can decide how much you will leave depending on what suits your style of chair.

Now start with spreading the fabric over the front of the chair making sure the seat is fully covered and all sides have an equal amount  remainding, the bottom is allowed to have the least amount of fabric beacuse it wont be seen as much as the sides and back of the chair.

Start to tuck all fabric in and around the sitting part of the chair, make sure to “smooth the fabric, then tuck”. Always make sure the fabric is smooth before moving on. Depending on what type of chair it is, you can even pin down into the crevice of the chair to secure it won’t move, but you dont have to. I didn’t and it is fine. If you do choose this, then you will need an extra piece to cover the seat of the chair, you might even have tosew a cushion cover( which is not that simple, we won’t get into all that)

Tuck and pin

Now, once the seat part is all smoothed and tucked and pinned in the creases, smooth upward along the backrest. Work your way up the middle and tuck each edge into the sides pinning as you move up. Once you reach the top of the chair, take as much pins as needed and pin as tight as you can to assure that the fabric does not shift and is smooth. This is very important because if the pins are not snug, they will pop out eventually (not SAFE AT ALL).

Now, it is all safe to move onto wrapping the fabric around the sides of the backrest of the wing chair. For this I use a tuck and  fold method. This is when you pull the fabric tightly, slightly folding it, in order to roll over corners or edges, without a bulky look. Continue this down ward to the arm rest.

Roll and tuck and pin

 Roll and tuck and pin

Roll and tuck and pin

Now pull and pin fabric under the curve of the arm rest, this part must be asbolutely smooth. You wanna make sure that all pins are secure, since the arm rest gets a lot of pressure place upon it when people are sitting in the chair.

 Now move onto tucking in any loose fabric all around the chair. Dont forget to pin the fabric down in front of the chair and underneath the chair and at the top of the chair towards the backside of the chair. Remember, you want to pin the fabric around the legs, to not cover it and keep the chair fabric lines looking as clean and neat as possible.


This is the View from the top of the chair, looking down towards the backrest. This is where you should be pinning.

The chair is almost complete!

This is the view of under neath the chair, where you will pin the fabric to secure that it keeps everything in place.

 This is what the final product should look like. Now, once again, this is temperary. Only the front has been covered. This is a quick fix to update the look fast, when guests are visiting. I will update you all ith a more permanant solution in the future, so come back and check it out. Goodluck!!

Now the final over all look


The pink version…….I luvv this one the best!!!